this course began, I was apprehensive to say the least. I doubted my ability
and qualifications to conduct legitimate research. After weeks of study and
compilation of simulation components I would love to say that I underestimated
myself on many levels. Unfortunately, I don’t feel that strongly that I have
reach that plateau yet! I’m not saying that I am incompetent at research; I
just don’t possess that confidence yet.
On the
other hand, I have gained a great deal from this course: from the basic
terminology that still at times causes confusion but more often results in a
deeper understanding to the subtle nuances of design that can be the
determining factor between success and, well, less than valid findings. I more
clearly understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative and
still have a strong conviction that a mixed method would most likely be my choice, despite the topic. I am far too statistically challenged to confine
myself to numbers and calculations and much too creative to rely exclusively on
“chasing rabbits” to a relatively desired outcome. It will take a bit of both to
create an outline that is both focused enough to be advantageous and interesting enough to hold my
attention and motivation for completion.