What a reality check – to look into the future and imagine
myself in another career! It seems I only need determine a direction and the
opportunities abound in this growing field.
At first, I was unsure where to even start looking for available
employment opportunities but ended up finding an abundance of interesting
prospects at www.azjobconnection.gov

Unfortunately, I was unable to find
solid information on job opportunities with the Arizona Department of Health
Services Empower Program which is where my heart truly lies at the moment. As
you will see throughout the course of this term, my Capstone Project is based
on improving my center’s implementation of the Empower standards towards the
goal of helping the children and families that we serve adopt healthy habits
that will last a lifetime. The aim is to undermine childhood obesity’s hold on
the youngest generation while lessening its grip on the rest of the family as
Ideally, I would like to become part of the task force that helps organize
and present trainings for early childhood educators around the state.
After exploring these and several more
options, I am encouraged and challenged to continue growing professionally. I
am feeling more confident every week that I can become an advocate for positive
change and make a real difference in the lives of children – Thank You, Walden,
and Everyone who I have met and worked with because of them!