Thursday, November 24, 2011

Food for Thought: Early Childhood Educators


  1. Renatta M. Cooper’s quote is what keeps me motivated as a teacher. It reminds me of a song called “The Climb,” by Miley Cyrus. I play it for myself when I get discouraged about obstacles I face as a teacher.

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a up-hill battle
    Sometimes were gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb

  2. I like how Aisha Ray points out how important teachers are to the lives of children. We need to remember that the environments we set up, the experiences we provide and the support we give help to shape who a child may become. We need to prepare them for greatness because every child has the ability to do just that.

  3. I enjoyed reading all your quotes and loved that you had illustrations to go along with them. However, the two quotes that caught my attention were the one by Sandy Escobida and the one by Dr. Aisha Ray. Sometimes as teachers we may often forget how important our job is when we are having a tough day or a lesson didn't go as planned but we need to remember that we are shaping the future for the better one child at a time just as Sandy Escobida stated. I like how Dr. Aisha Ray reminded us that one little thing we do can alter a student's path in life for the better. We really do have a lot of power and we need to make sure we use it to educate the future as best we can.
