The final assessment focused on Verbal Aggression; how well I
can respect the needs and attitudes of others while arguing for my own
position. Again, it did not come as a great shock when most everyone’s scores
were relatively the same and in the moderate range. The only exception was my
daughter whose score just pushed into the significant category. It makes sense
to me though, that given our relationship, it would be more likely that I may
cross the line from time to time when passions flare. This does not excuse any
hurtful statements and thank goodness her response only exceeded the previous
section by one point instead of many! Overall, I feel like I stand up for what
I believe in with a fairly level head… but when I am pushed… Look Out!
As a professional I feel like it is important that I strive
to balance my listening and speaking to more efficiently transition from one
situation to the next. I should question more in order to appropriately assess
situations and meet the needs of the program as well as the individuals and
families in it. Personally, I also feel like I have a long way to go on the
road to dealing with conflict appropriately. My timidity often causes me to be
passively aggressive and the more I learn about communication the more I am
able to identify the roots of that behavior. Nonetheless, I anxiously await
further lessons in anticipation of significantly improving my skills!