recently published Global News article focuses on the urgent need for quality,
accessible preschool for all children as well as an expanded awareness and
attention to the issue of childhood malnutrition and its effect on learning. It
does not come as a big surprise that children who spend at least one year in
pre-schooling are more successful in primary school and beyond. One outstanding
point relates to the battle against childhood malnutrition - that it is not
necessarily money that is the issue, but governmental and societal leaders who
fail to combat this condition head on (UNESCO, 2012, p 2).
UNESCO (2012, April)
Expanding equitable early childhood care and education is an urgent need. EFA
Retrieved from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002160/216038E.pdf
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteThe association you chose to look at is a very good one. I chose them also because of the rich information they have for professionals, parents and caregivers. I often visit their site also to learn from them. I look forward to learning from your site the new trends of early childhood on this site.