Saturday, May 5, 2012

International Contacts & Professional Organization

Although I have made minimal progress in establishing contact with an Early Childhood professional in another country, I have put out a few feelers. 

In the mean time, I have visited the World Forum and listened to a couple of radio podcasts: Maysoun Chehab from the Arab Resource Collective spoke of efforts to support children, families and educators in post war Beirut, Lebanon and Deevia Bhana, a professor at the University of KwaZulu – Natal in South Africa, who discussed the issue of educating and advocating for primary school children who are dealing with sexual violence and HIV/AIDS.
While it is sad to think that young children are experiencing such horrific events like war, it is unimaginable to me that girls as young as 7 are in fear of boys and men because of the threat of contact or attack by those who may be infected with HIV or AIDS. It boggles my mind that a first or second grader would have to know about sex and abstinence at all, much less to ensure personal survival.

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) has an intriguing website filled with news articles, publications and related events. The most interesting links I have discovered thus far are   the Global Resource links that specifically address educational diversity around the world: at the moment, there are six regions from which to choose and research.  I look forward to spending time perusing this site throughout this course and beyond!


  1. Hi Laura - good to work with you again as well. I read a little about the pod cast you listened to and I had a hard time with the subject. I to can not wrap my mind around small children having to know and worry about sexual activity. No child should ever be robbed of their innocence.

  2. Hi Laura,
    You have done a lot of work and I praise your efforts. HIV is a world issue now and unfortunately is spreading fast especially in countries where children are vulnerable. It is important that education is made available to expose them to the dangers of the virus. We need to do what we must do to help children out.
